SIEM Professional Services

SIEM Professional Services

Invested in your SIEM tool but not getting the expected outcome or ROI?

Apto provides expert SIEM professional services consultancy for data-driven companies who want to strengthen their security posture, mitigate risk and do more with their SIEM.

Specialist SIEM Professional Services

Long-term SIEM maturity is an ongoing process that requires input from an experienced and technically skilled team and an adaptable and flexible approach. Having a SIEM tool installed is only part of the SIEM journey and many organisations struggle with knowing how to get ahead and use SIEM to obtain security confidence and peace of mind.

Apto Solutions SIEM professional services cover the four key distinct pillars of the SIEM lifecycle; working towards improved SIEM confidence and a more robust security posture for organisations in any industry and with a wide range of requirements.

  • Discover

    Understand & Assess Risks
    Threat Modelling
    Framework Alignment

  • Design

    SIEM Tooling Selection
    Detection Architecture
    Compliance Requirements

  • Deploy

    Engineering & Delivery
    Playbooks & Optimisation
    Response Testing

  • Operate

    Update, Improve & Refine
    Accountability & Response
    Managed Support

About Apto Solutions

At Apto, our goal is to assist organisations in their adoption of threat detection platforms to provide a responsive, secure and measurable oversight of sensitive data and critical processes. We specialise in navigating the complexities of on-premises, cloud and hybrid environments and have earned a reputation in multiple industries by delivering comprehensive, well-designed, scalable SIEM solutions that meet your business and compliance objectives. Apto can help give you the breathing room you need to really understand and get to grips with your security posture.



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