13 January 2020

Cloud Cost Management 2



Back in our May 19 blog we talked about multiple cloud environments, their endless offerings, associated price lists and management headache.

Since then, we have visited more clients experiencing these same challenges. As we discussed there are many tools available and only useful if used skilfully. Indeed we linked to a workshop to assist with this.

What’s happened since?

We have had quite a few engagements with clients where, even if not hired to look at cloud, we have been asked to have a “look” at their cloud setup.

We always try and help out where we can, but as you can imagine one clients cloud is different to another and typically we are being hired to solve something else.

We gave in….

As you may know we are Splunk specialists, so with every client we engaged with, that had Splunk, we gave away a nice little app that visualised their cloud spend, in one lens for AWS and Azure environments, for multiple accounts.

It would be another blog post in its own right to describe all the functionality (a video is coming shortly) but…..save to say it the app provides a set of dashboards giving insights to your cloud infrastructure and costs.


Not only is it a great way for clients to have a free management tool and see what’s being spent where, it also enables us to engage more effectively with those clients should they want to start investigating further.

It is a only a tool, yes, but the start the cloud cost management journey!

Where can I find the app?

Here is the direct link or go to splunkbase.com and type cloud cost in the search we are this tile

Find out more about how Apto can help you manage your cloud costs

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